
下の一覧から何か選んで現れたページから、標本を見たり 標本の説明を読んだりすることができます。
標本1:malignant lymphoma ,diffuse, large cell type, uterine cervix
標本2:leukemia cell infiltration, aspiration. (AML-M2)
標本3(標本1と同じ):malignant lymphoma ,diffuse, large cell type, uterine cervix
標本4:carcinoid tumor of the rectum, polypectomy
標本5:membranous glomerulonephritis
標本6:epidermal cyst of the buttock
標本7:chronic active hepatitis (2B), biopsy
標本8:invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast, mastectomy
標本9:adenocarcinoma of the stomach, biopsy
標本10:squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus, biopsy
標本11:moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the prostate, biopsy
標本12:tubular adenomas with moderate atypia of the colon, polypectomy
標本13:malignant lymphoma of the stomach, diffuse, large cell type
標本14:leiomyosarcoma of the rectum, recto-sigmoidectomy
標本15:diffuse mambranous glomerulonephritis in SLE, renal biopsy
標本16:adenoid cystic carcinoma,recurrent, in the left infra-auricular region, resection.
標本17:islet cell tumor (gastrinoma), boderline malignant, of the pancreatic tail, distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy.
標本19:multiple myeloma, aspiration